Mons Land New Pokemon Game for Android

  Security of personal information

  Please see the Mons Land Privacy Policy for details.

  1.Scope application
  Mons Land's privacy policy applies to customers participating in events on the Mons Land website, including personal information collected, processed, transmitted, using distribution channels and in foreign countries, through the Mons Land website.  It does not apply to websites or webpages linked to third parties.

  2: Purpose and level of data collection
  Ezahlukeneyo テ ゴ リ For the different purposes of the Earth Earth service, the types and conditions of the data collected by the Earth System are:
  Join the membership
  When you apply to participate, you will be asked to submit a copy of your information, including your name, nickname, ID number, address, date of birth, telephone number, email address, and other relevant information.  When you are a member, you get a member account and password, and you can use various services with this account.
  Online transactions
  If you choose to use an online marketing service, Mons Land will collect relevant information about the order completed, depending on the level of online trading you have submitted.
  Online activities
  If you enter a membership account and password to participate in an online or online Mons Land survey, the information will be provided directly to the member database, but if the employee still needs to provide relevant information, please provide details.  Please explain.  This additional information is protected by our privacy policy.
  Browse web pages

  Member data
  When you join a membership, Mons Land will use your phone or email to confirm the details you have entered in order.  This information provides detailed information and is the basis for designing future member activities.
  B. Online transactions
  If you choose to use an online marketing service, Mons Land will collect relevant information about the order completed, depending on the level of online trading you have submitted.
  C. Higher sales
  後 After joining a member club or using the Mons Land website and related websites, it appears that they have provided regular marketing communications to companies and affiliates for the purpose of providing advertising and other value-added services.  If you refuse to accept marketing after receiving relevant information, the company will stop sending marketing messages.  If in doubt, contact the Mons Land Consumer Center for details.
  D. Online activities and research
  You If you participate in any information left in Mons Land or in an Internet experiment, this information will be used for this work or study and this data will be burned after an incident or trial.
  E.E.  Statistics and Analysis
  Continuously entered data while participating in membership and web site browsing, Mons Land incorrectly updates and processes member statistics based on aggregate numbers rather than individual actions.

  3. Data usage time, objects, and methods
  Time to use
  Less り Unless otherwise specified by law, refers to the period of use of the website (Land Rooms and its additional website services) or the application to delete them.
  何 Use an item
  Less り Unless otherwise specified by law, information is only available for the Monservices' service delivery and use, without the transfer of personal and third party information or other purposes.  However, based on the objectives of the contract, relevant information is provided to the producer in order to fulfill the contractual obligations.
  方 方 How to use
  A. Details of membership
  When you join a membership, Mons Land will use your phone or email to confirm the details you have entered in order.  This information provides detailed information and a basis for designing future membership activities.
  B. Online transactions
  If you choose to use an online marketing service, Mons Land will collect relevant information about the order completed, depending on the level of online trading you have submitted.
  C. Higher sales
  After joining a member club or using the Mons Land website and related websites, it seems to allow the company and its affiliates to provide general marketing content for the purpose of providing advertising and other additional services.  I If you refuse to accept marketing after receiving relevant information, the company will stop sending marketing messages.  If in doubt, contact the Mons Land Consumer Center for details.
  D. Online activities and research
  You If you participate in any information left in Mons Land or in an Internet experiment, this information will be used for this work or study and this data will be burned after an incident or trial.
  E.E.  Statistics and Analysis
  Data that participates in membership and is logged sequentially in records viewed on the website server, Mons Land incorrectly updates and processes member statistics based on all members rather than on other actions.  I

  4. You are right and you must do it
  Right 関 し right The right to request Mons Land for the data is expressed in writing as follows:
  Ukufunda み 取 り Ask to read or read.
  検 Browse books
  C. Request an extension or repair
  D. Request collection, disposal, and use
  Removal ク エ ス ト Removal request
  限 Rights restrictions
  The above rights will be limited if you do not comply with a Mons Land application or law.
  If you ask Mons Land to display the information, extract your data, or make a copy, Mons Land will charge you the required fee.
  作成 Develop a rights approach
  The application for rights must be completed on the application form.  Mons Land will ask you to confirm your ID.  If the applicant has granted an interest, he / she will need to apply for bookings and provide identity and assistance.

  5. If you are unable to provide full personal information, your rights and interests may be affected
  い き な い Failure to provide accurate and accurate information may affect contacts, termination of a transaction, service provision, identity verification, eviction, transaction, or customer complaints in Mons Land.  If personal data is complete and destructive to you and to a third party, you will have to take full responsibility.  Mons Land reserves the right to claim damages for you in the case of damage to the World Heritage Site.

  6. Prevention of personal safety information
  As far as relevant data files are concerned, Mons Land adopts appropriate security measures and, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for resolving security issues, through appropriate technology and processes, from information to burial, prosecution, corruption, loss or extortion.  Try to protect yourself

  7. Privacy policy for change
  Mons Land reserves the right to change its privacy policy.  This adjustment will be announced on the website.  Give special attention to protecting people's rights and interests.  If you use a website: If you use Mons Land and its website-related services to amend and amend this privacy policy, you prove that you have read, understand and agree to the privacy policy.

  は If you do not agree to this privacy policy, please stop using the website immediately: Mons Land and related website resources.
  8. Suggestions and Suggestions
  Please contact Mons Land if you have any questions about Mons Land's privacy policy or issues related to your data.

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